calendar .

A Day B Day Calendar Lcps 2024

Written by Mable Stanley Dec 03, 2022 ยท 3 min read
A Day B Day Calendar Lcps 2024

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In 2024, Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) will be implementing a new A Day B Day calendar. This new calendar will bring changes to the way students and teachers plan their schedules. In this article, we will provide an overview of the new calendar and its benefits.

What is an A Day B Day Calendar?

An A Day B Day calendar is a scheduling system that alternates between two different sets of classes. Students attend their A Day classes on one day and their B Day classes on the next day. This system allows for longer class periods and more time for instruction.

Why is LCPS Implementing a New Calendar?

LCPS is implementing a new calendar to improve student learning and reduce stress. The new calendar will provide more instructional time and allow for a better balance between academic classes and electives. Additionally, the new calendar will provide more time for teacher planning and collaboration.

How Will the New Calendar Work?

The new A Day B Day calendar will consist of eight A Days and eight B Days per quarter. Students will have four 90-minute classes each day. The new calendar will also include a built-in Flex Day, which will allow for additional teacher planning and student support.

What are the Benefits of the New Calendar?

The new calendar will provide several benefits for students and teachers. Longer class periods will allow for more in-depth instruction and more time for hands-on learning activities. The built-in Flex Day will allow for additional support for struggling students and more time for teacher collaboration.

How Will the New Calendar Impact Students?

The new calendar will require students to adjust to a new schedule and routine. However, the benefits of the new calendar will outweigh the challenges. Students will have more time for instruction and more opportunities for hands-on learning activities. Additionally, students will have more time to pursue electives and extracurricular activities.

How Will the New Calendar Impact Teachers?

The new calendar will provide teachers with more time for planning and collaboration. Teachers will have additional time to develop lessons and assessments. Additionally, the built-in Flex Day will allow for more time for teacher collaboration and professional development.

What Should Students and Parents Know About the New Calendar?

Students and parents should be aware of the changes to the schedule and plan accordingly. Students should take advantage of the additional instructional time and seek support when needed. Parents should encourage their children to stay organized and manage their time effectively.

What Resources are Available to Help Students Adjust to the New Calendar?

LCPS will provide resources to help students adjust to the new A Day B Day calendar. Students will receive training on the new schedule and will have access to additional academic support. Additionally, parents can work with their child's teachers and counselors to ensure a smooth transition.


The new A Day B Day calendar in LCPS will provide several benefits for students and teachers. Longer class periods and more instructional time will allow for more in-depth learning. The built-in Flex Day will provide additional support for struggling students and more time for teacher collaboration. While the new calendar will require an adjustment period, the benefits will outweigh the challenges. Students and parents should take advantage of the resources available to ensure a smooth transition.
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