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How To Integrate Asana With Google Calendar In 2024

Written by Juan Stafford Mar 23, 2022 · 3 min read
How To Integrate Asana With Google Calendar In 2024

Asana is an excellent project management tool that helps teams stay organized and on track. Google Calendar is a popular scheduling tool used by millions of people worldwide. Integrating Asana with Google Calendar can be a game-changer for teams who want to streamline their workflow. In this article, we'll show you how to integrate Asana with Google Calendar in 2024.

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Integrating Asana with Google Calendar - 2024


Asana is an excellent project management tool that helps teams stay organized and on track. Google Calendar is a popular scheduling tool used by millions of people worldwide. Integrating Asana with Google Calendar can be a game-changer for teams who want to streamline their workflow. In this article, we'll show you how to integrate Asana with Google Calendar in 2024.

Step 1: Connecting Asana and Google Calendar

The first step in integrating Asana with Google Calendar is to connect the two apps. To do this, you'll need to have access to both Asana and Google Calendar. Once you have access, follow these steps:

Question: How do I connect Asana with Google Calendar?

Answer: To connect Asana with Google Calendar, go to the Asana app and click on the "Settings" tab. From there, click on the "Apps" option and select "Google Calendar." Follow the prompts to connect the two apps.

Step 2: Creating Asana Tasks

Now that you've connected Asana and Google Calendar, it's time to start creating tasks. Tasks in Asana can be synced with Google Calendar, making it easy to see your schedule at a glance. To create a task in Asana, follow these steps:

Question: How do I create tasks in Asana?

Answer: To create a task in Asana, click on the "+" icon in the top bar and select "Task." Enter the task details, such as the name, due date, and assignee. Once you've created the task, it will appear in your Asana dashboard.

Step 3: Syncing Asana Tasks with Google Calendar

Now that you have tasks in Asana, it's time to sync them with Google Calendar. This will allow you to see your Asana tasks alongside your other calendar events. To sync Asana tasks with Google Calendar, follow these steps:

Question: How do I sync Asana tasks with Google Calendar?

Answer: To sync Asana tasks with Google Calendar, go to the "Projects" tab in Asana and select the project you want to sync. Click on the project settings and select "Sync to Calendar." Follow the prompts to sync the project with Google Calendar.

Step 4: Managing Asana Tasks in Google Calendar

Now that your Asana tasks are synced with Google Calendar, you can manage them directly from your calendar. This makes it easy to see what tasks are due and when. To manage Asana tasks in Google Calendar, follow these steps:

Question: How do I manage Asana tasks in Google Calendar?

Answer: To manage Asana tasks in Google Calendar, simply click on the task in your calendar. This will bring up the task details, including the name, due date, and assignee. You can also edit the task directly from your calendar.


Integrating Asana with Google Calendar can help teams stay organized and on track. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily connect the two apps and start syncing your tasks. With Asana and Google Calendar working together, you'll be able to manage your schedule more efficiently and effectively.

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